Are your clients ready to report?

Many of your business clients may be holders of unclaimed property. Under New Brunswick’s Unclaimed Property Act, holders of unclaimed property – including businesses, associations and government organizations – must review their books to search for monetary property that belongs to someone else. 

To comply with the Act and Rules, holders must:

  • Determine if property held will become unclaimed at the end of this calendar year.
  • Determine if property held became unclaimed in 2017 or any subsequent year. 
  • Notify apparent owners of unclaimed property three to six months before they deliver the unclaimed property to the program.
  • If unsuccessful in notifying and connecting owners with their property, report and deliver unclaimed property during the program’s reporting period: January 1 to March 31 of each year. Reporting to be done through
  • If you miss the reporting period, apply for late delivery. Once your application is approved, you can report and deliver unclaimed property any time during the year.

To find out when property becomes unclaimed, visit the Legislation page on

You can find more information and resources on the Unclaimed Property Program on our website at and through You and your clients can also subscribe to receive email notifications for program updates and reminders on reporting periods.